Teen Dating Violence
Awareness & Prevention Program

Promise Place provides education to youth through our Teen Dating Violence Prevention Program. In partnership with the Board of Education, this program is presented to primarily high school and middle school students within the Griffin Judicial Circuit (Fayette, Spalding, Pike and Upson counties). It serves to educate and provide resources that students need to both prevent and end teen dating violence. Promise Place recognizes that in our efforts to stop the cycle of violence we must include the youth so that they can be educated before becoming victims themselves.
This program utilizes local resources and also enlists the assistance of local volunteers to help make this program successful. By engaging the community, Promise Place is adding to the many voices that are speaking out against the crime of domestic violence. Promise Place provides this educational program to over 5,600 students every year. Please contact Promise Place at our Administrative Office at (770) 461-3839 for more information about this program.
Jail Groups
Every week Promise Place goes into several local jails and one detention center to provide domestic violence education including some life skills applications to both male and female inmates (separately) .

Legal Advocacy
Promise Place provides comprehensive assistance with legal advocacy. This includes providing assistance in filing Temporary Protective Orders (TPOs) – a legal remedy that assists victims of domestic violence and their children in obtaining protection through the judicial system. A Temporary Protective Order (TPO) can provide a measure of safety for a victim by ordering the abuser to stay away, granting temporary custody of minor children, and granting temporary financial support. For more information about assistance with legal advocacy please contact our Administrative Office at (770) 461-3839.

Child Advocacy Program
Structured activities are held weekly with kids of all ages at shelter including 45 minute group sessions. In addition to this, referrals are made as needed for court advocacy, sexual assault counseling, medical and tutoring. A close relationship is maintained with the schools to advocate for each child’s individualized needs.